Minister of Economy Visit Metrol Factory

"Three Kinds of Visualization*", which is one of the Growth Strategy formulated by Japanese Governments, has started the other day.

As part of the strategy, Mr. Miyazawa, the Minister of Economy, goes round inspecting SMEs in various places to think about how Japanese production fields should compete globally, especially with developing nations.
Metrol was chosen as the first destination of this inspection.

*Three concerns that SMEs struggle with: 1.Visualization of the "Key to success", 2.Visualization of "Business opportunities", 3.Visualization of the "Support system".

Factory Tour

Firstly, the Minister had a look around our manufacturing floors.
He looked surprised to see that various kinds of precision switches were made by the hands of local housewives.

Automatic assembly machine

We showed "automatic assembly machine for precision switches" to the Minister.
It enables to fasten and shorten the process and need only one workers to assemble switches where used to need three.

Metrol young engineer give some technical description.

Warm-hearted Minister paid attention to young engineer's explanation and asked some questions actively.

Our morale raised!

From part-time workers to young engineers, Minister's visit meant a lot to all of Metrol employees.

He raised our sprits and made us remind of our mission;
to produce "high value added products" and deliver them around the world.

We never forget his visit!