We attended “2017 Mechanical Components & Materials Technology Expo” in Nagoya, the heartland of Japanese manufacturing
We had a booth at "2017 Nagoya Mechanical Components & Materials Technology Expo" (M-Tech), held at "Portmesse Nagoya" from April 12, 2017.
Many well-known manufacturing companies can be found in Nagoya.
The number of attendees increased each day over the three-day event, and the entire event had an air of excitement not to be outdone by M-Tech shows held in Tokyo or Osaka!
Today's blog will cover the event from a sneak peek behind the scenes at a booth, to a report of the show♪
Table of Contents
A massive poster to attract visitors to the booth!
The first thing anyone would notice when looking at our booth was our massive three-meter poster.
"Wow! What's that?" We focused good and hard on the placement and direction of our lighting, to stop attendees in their tracks and get them curious!
"Move the light five cm to the right... no, move the poster up two cm..."
We continued to adjust things several cm at a time as we tried to find an arrangement where the poster would be illuminated perfectly by the lights.

All of the "improvement case panels" and "pop-ups" were handmade by employees.
Was it clear enough?
It took a lot of discussion and preparation!
Finally the booth was ready!
What business opportunities awaited us over the next 3 days?
Excited, we waited for the show to start the next day.
The long-awaited opening of the second M-Tech in Nagoya!
We enjoyed a magnificent opening ceremony accompanied by live music performed by a professional jazz band!
Lined up on the stage was a large group of high-ranking officials from well-known companies from the Japanese manufacturing industry, including the famous mayor of Nagoya, Takashi Kawamura.
What got the biggest reaction during the ceremony was not the ribbon cutting ceremony, but Mayor Kawamura's speech.
We did have trouble understanding some parts due to his thick Nagoya accent (lol)
"Let's bring prosperity to Nagoya as the center of global manufacturing in Japan!"
With that rallying cry, the crowd went wild.
It's no surprise that he was able to win his fourth election as mayor of Nagoya a week later.
As representatives of Metrol, we decided we weren't being shown up by any mayor!
We channeled that passion into showing visitors our products.
Our new “2 Signal Point Setting Type Air Gap Sensor” makes its debut in Nagoya!
With repeatability of ±0.5 μm, our product offers the highest level of accuracy in the world!
Metrol's "Air Gap Sensor"allows accurate workpiece seating confirmation for jigs and workpieces.
Our focus during the show was our new "2 Signal Point Setting Type Air Gap Sensor."
It used to take a lot of work and time to perform inner diameter measurement using a pin gauge,
but not any more! Here are some of the comments we heard during the show...
"I like the price!"
"Really easy to use!"
"Oh! It can output to an NC!"
Bring over your workpiece drawings and we can do both "jet" and "master workpiece" for you.
Feel free to ask!
See below for details on our new "2 Signal Point Setting Type Air Gap Sensor."▼
“Multipoint Wireless Seat Checking Switches” on display!
We put our "Multipoint Wireless Seat Checking Switches" on display in the booth.
We've improved our "Wireless Switch" product, which allows you to check workpiece seating wirelessly!
A single receiver can wirelessly output a total of 16 switch signals (four locations on four workpieces).
Our engineering staff was on hand in the booth to respond to visitor comments and questions.
Visitors were impressed that the product could reduce costs and take up less space.
We’ll be back in Nagoya in October 2017!
It was a great show! Because it was held in Nagoya, we heard about issues and projects from many major automobile-related companies.
Thank you, everyone, for visiting our booth!
We'll see you again in Nagoya during "Mechatronics Technology Japan 2017" in October.
We'll keep improving our products and training our sales personnel. See you then!
Feel Free to contact us if you have any questions about our products and technical inquiries.
Our experienced engineers will be more than happy to assist you.
+81 50 5558 7366
Monday - Friday 8:30-17:30 JST.
+81 42 528 1442
Write down your questions